Source code for salesman.conf

Settings module.

[docs]class DefaultSettings: def _setting(self, name, default=None): from django.conf import settings return getattr(settings, name, default) def _error(self, message): from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured raise ImproperlyConfigured(message) @property def SALESMAN_PRODUCT_TYPES(self) -> dict: """ A dictionary of product types and their respected serializers that are availible for purchase as product. Should be formated as ``'app_label.Model': ''``. """ from django.apps import apps from django.utils.module_loading import import_string product_types = self._setting('SALESMAN_PRODUCT_TYPES', {}) ret = {} for key, value in product_types.items(): try: app_label, model_name = key.split('.') except ValueError: self._error(f"Invalid Key `{key}`, format as `app_label.Model`.") try: model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name) if value: ret[key] = import_string(value) except (LookupError, ImportError) as e: self._error(e) for attr in ['name', 'code']: if not hasattr(model, attr): self._error(f"Product type `{key}` must define `{attr}` attribute.") if not hasattr(model, 'get_price'): self._error(f"Product type `{key}` must implement `get_price` method.") return ret @property def SALESMAN_BASKET_MODIFIERS(self) -> list: """ A list of strings formated as ````. Modifiers must extend ``salesman.basket.modifiers.BasketModifier`` class. and define a unique ``identifier`` attribute. """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from salesman.basket.modifiers import BasketModifier basket_modifiers = self._setting('SALESMAN_BASKET_MODIFIERS', []) ret, identifiers = [], [] for value in basket_modifiers: try: modifier = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not issubclass(modifier, BasketModifier): self._error(f"Modifer `{modifier}` must subclass `{BasketModifier}`.") identifier = getattr(modifier, 'identifier', None) if not identifier: self._error(f"Modifier `{modifier}` must define a unique `idetifier`.") if identifier in identifiers: self._error(f"Modifier `{identifier}` appears more than once.") identifiers.append(identifier) ret.append(modifier) return ret @property def SALESMAN_PAYMENT_METHODS(self) -> list: """ A list of strings formated as ````. Payments must extend ``salesman.checkout.payment.PaymentMethod`` class and define a unique ``identifier`` attribute. """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from salesman.checkout.payment import PaymentMethod payment_methods = self._setting('SALESMAN_PAYMENT_METHODS', []) ret, identifiers = [], [] for value in payment_methods: try: payment = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not issubclass(payment, PaymentMethod): self._error(f"Payment `{payment}` must subclass `{PaymentMethod}`.") if not getattr(payment, 'label', None): self._error(f"Payment `{payment}` must define a `label`.") identifier = getattr(payment, 'identifier', None) if not identifier: self._error(f"Payment `{payment}` must define a unique `identifier`.") if identifier in identifiers: self._error(f"Payment `{identifier}` appears more than once.") identifiers.append(identifier) ret.append(payment) return ret @property def SALESMAN_ADDRESS_VALIDATOR(self) -> callable: """ A dotted path to address validator function. Function should accept a string value and return a validated version. Also recieves a ``context`` dictionary with additional validator context data like ``request``, a ``basket`` object and ``address`` type (set to either *shipping* or *billing*). """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string value = self._setting( 'SALESMAN_ADDRESS_VALIDATOR', 'salesman.checkout.utils.validate_address' ) try: validator = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not callable(validator): self._error(f"Specified address validator `{validator}` is not callable.") return validator @property def SALESMAN_ORDER_STATUS(self) -> type: """ A dotted path to enum class that contains available order statuses. Overriden class must extend ``salesman.orders.status.BaseOrderStatus`` class. Can optionally override a class method ``get_payable`` that returns a list of statuses an order is eligible to be paid from, ``get_transitions`` method that returns a dict of statuses with their transitions and ``validate_transition`` method to validate status transitions. """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from salesman.orders.status import BaseOrderStatus value = self._setting( 'SALESMAN_ORDER_STATUS', 'salesman.orders.status.OrderStatus' ) try: status = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not issubclass(status, BaseOrderStatus): self._error(f"Status `{status}` must subclass `{BaseOrderStatus}`.") required = ['NEW', 'CREATED', 'COMPLETED', 'REFUNDED'] for item in required: if item not in status.names or status[item].value != item: self._error( "Status must specify members with names/values " "`NEW`, `CREATED`, `COMPLETED` and `REFUNDED`." ) return status @property def SALESMAN_ORDER_REFERENCE_GENERATOR(self) -> callable: """ A dotted path to reference generator function for new orders. Function should accept a django request object as param: ``request``. Value returned from the function will be slugified. """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string value = self._setting( 'SALESMAN_ORDER_REFERENCE_GENERATOR', 'salesman.orders.utils.generate_ref', ) try: generator = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not callable(generator): self._error(f"Specified reference generator `{generator}` is not callable.") return generator @property def SALESMAN_PRICE_FORMATTER(self) -> callable: """ A dotted path to price formatter function. Function should accept a value of type: ``Decimal`` and return a price formatted string. Also recieves a ``context`` dictionary with additional render data like ``request`` and either the ``basket`` or ``order`` object. """ from django.utils.module_loading import import_string value = self._setting( 'SALESMAN_PRICE_FORMATTER', 'salesman.core.utils.format_price' ) try: formatter = import_string(value) except ImportError as e: self._error(e) if not callable(formatter): self._error(f"Specified price formatter `{formatter}` is not callable.") return formatter @property def SALESMAN_ADMIN_REGISTER(self) -> bool: """ Set to ``False`` to skip Salesman admin registration, in case you wish to build your own ``ModelAdmin`` for Django or Wagtail. """ return self._setting('SALESMAN_ADMIN_REGISTER', True)
app_settings = DefaultSettings()