Source code for salesman.core.utils

from decimal import Decimal

from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models import Model

from salesman.conf import app_settings

[docs]def format_price(value: Decimal, context: dict = {}) -> str: """ Default price format function. Can be overriden by providing a dotted path to a function in ``SALESMAN_PRICE_FORMATTER`` setting. Args: value (Decimal): Number value to be formatted context (dict, optional): Format context data. Defaults to {}. Returns: str: Formatted price as a string """ return f'{value:.2f}'
[docs]def get_salesman_model(name: str) -> Model: """ Loads and returns a Salesman model by name. Should be used for accessing all models to allow for swappable models. Args: name (str): A camel case Salesman model name Returns: type: Model class """ setting = "".join(["_" + x if x.isupper() else x for x in name]).lstrip("_").upper() setting = f"SALESMAN_{setting}_MODEL" try: value = getattr(app_settings, setting) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f"Model `{name}` is not a valid Salesman model.") return apps.get_model(value)